The Beauty Is Clear With Glass

The Beauty Is Clear With Glass

What To Expect During A Frameless Shower Door Installation

by Eric Olson

Adding a glass shower door in your bathroom is a creative way of increasing the bathroom's functionality and overall home value. To make the most out of the frameless shower door installation, you must engage a professional glazier. Indeed, when it's done right the first time, it eliminates the need for frequent repairs down the line.

Whether you choose a custom sliding or hinged glass shower door, you enjoy striking beauty that can't be duplicated with traditional bathroom doors. These doors are crafted from tempered glass to offer durability. If you want to create an incredible spa experience, a shower door installer can help you select custom glass cuts that suit your bathroom style and preferences. 

The following are steps that a glazier takes when installing a frameless shower door.

Initial Consultation

Frameless glass shower door installation starts with the consultation phase. Essentially, this can happen via phone or an in-home visit. Here, an installation firm will listen to your specifications and answer pertinent questions. It pays to have a glazier inspect your bathroom to evaluate your options. A personal visit to your home enables the glazier to gather project-specific details and offer practical suggestions that suit your needs. If they've brought samples, they can help you visualize and settle on a befitting shower door option.

Site Measurements

After inspecting your bathroom, professional frameless shower door specialists take actual measurements. This enables them to record glass sizes with precision. They use special lasers or measuring tape to ensure the glass is cut to fit your unique space. Glaziers take accurate measurements, especially when the area is tiled and finished. These measurements inform the glass cutting and door production for your custom glass shower door.

Quoting And Sales Agreement

A skilled glazier can provide quotes after measuring your bathroom. However, you must verify the final quote after they take precise measurements. From here, the installation company provides the pricing structure that forms the basis of the sales agreement. The document specifies details about the type of glass door, pricing, and terms of sale. From here, the glazier makes an order for your custom glass shower door and prepares for the installation stage.

Door Installation

After your glass door is ready, experienced glaziers will come to your home to mount the frameless shower door. If you have an old door, they embark on removal and site preparation. You must inquire whether there are additional costs for the removal. After installing the door and its hardware, the best glass shower door services provide glass door maintenance tips and educate you on the manufacturer or installation warrant provided.


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The Beauty Is Clear With Glass

It's pretty clear. Glass is the way of the future, at least when it comes to architectural design. People are wanting to bring more and more natural light into their buildings, both because this promotes health and reduces energy bills. What better way to do this than with many windows? Of course, to keep up with this demand, glass companies have had to work hard to create strong glass formulas. And they don't just work on windows. They also create glass tiles, mirrors, plates, statues, and more. Learn about these many glass applications, and the wonders of glass in general, on this website.


